Summer Friendly Diet-Keep yourself hydrated with these summer foods


Summers season is a warmest season of the year as heat is increasing day by day. We have to plan our diet accordingly to beat the heat and avoid the dehydration problem which is commonly faced these days. Plan a summer friendly diet which nourishes your body and skin. Some summer friendly foods which are effective for our skin and body are as under-

1. Oranges- oranges are seasonal fruits which is full of Vitamin C which is good for our skin and body. It protects our cells from damage.  It boosts our immune system and makes our body defence against germs. But We have to avoid eating too many oranges as it has great fiber content which can affect digestion and can cause abdominal cramps and could lead to diarrhea.

2. Tomatoes- tomatoes are a great source of antioxidants which has many health benefits. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer these are a great source of Vitamin C, potassium, Folate and Vitamin K. It improves our skin also. Tamatoes can be eaten in salad mix , Raita and sandwiches.

3. Watermelon- watermelon helps us to keep hydrate it contains nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. It contains lycopene which is good for the healthy heart and amino acids that improves blood circulation. You can eat it as mix fruit salad. Even you can made jellies and jams from it.

4. Green Leafy vegetables- it is an important part of a healthy diet. They are full of vitamins minerals but veggies are low in calories eating green leafy vegetables. Some vegetables like cucumber , broccoli and cabbage are high in water content  you can make a vegetable raita , salad to eat it as healthy and raw.

5. Berries- berries are rich in antioxidants which gives you a healthy skin. Berries are high in fiber it provides the body many nutrients, helps in fighting inflammation. You can eat it as fruit and smoothie.

6. Coconut water- it’s a good source of several nutrients. It improves heart health blood pressure it is delicious source of hydration it is natural source of electrolytes.

7. Fruits- summers is known for some good seasonal fruits but if we eat it in first half it would definitely help us to prevent fat gain.

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